A fellow blogger sent me the link to this article.
I found it to be interesting because it's what I have been saying for months. I read some of the comments and some are saying why not President Huck and VP Guiliani? I think however you slice it, a vote for Huckabee is a vote for Guliani because it's eliminating the Romney factor. I just read some other comments and someone else said the same thing. Romney seems like an OK guy, I just don't see him as presidential material and I don't feel that he fits in with Huck or Guliani either. I think Huck and Rudy would be the winning ticket. Huck appeals to the absolute conservative where Rudy is a little more to the middle, which isn't really a bad thing considering the appeal it has for the people who just aren't so sure. I like them both and agree with them both on many issues. Hence them both holding first and second place in Iowa and Florida. I guess what may be irritating people who like the
ugly election is that they aren't having a pissing contest. I am sick of the tit for tat bull and I think that Huck and Rudy are doing an excellent job of keeping it clean.
Regardless, Republicans need to be in office in 2008.
Also, don't forget to watch the GOP debate Wednesday night on the Communist News Network (CNN).
A liberal moron at the office today was saying how great things will be WHEN Hitler Hillary wins. Like she just assumes that Hillary is going to win. I started making that gagging sound that you make before you throw up and she automatically shut up, because she knew that she had nothing to back up the moronic comment about that stupid flip flopper winning. All the liberals think that the grass will be greener on their alleged side of the fence but yet, they don't really know why. It's quite scary actually, that people in this country with a brain have to put their lives in these peoples hands. CLUELESS, STUPID PEOPLE.
4 years with donkeys will be exactly that, we will look like some serious jackasses to the rest of the world. And the liberal clowns of the US will be wondering why they are sitting around kissing their sorry asses goodbye. This country will be ruined.