Thursday, December 13, 2007

New Jersey: The Safe Haven

NJ lawmakers vote to ban the death penalty

I just was surfing the web on this cold and gloomy day and came across the above article. I guess most days in NJ are cold and gloomy but this just takes the cake. Hence the title to this post including the words...SAFE HAVEN.

If you are a murderer, rapist or terrorist or just an all out scum bag PLEASE COME TO NEW JERSEY! We welcome you! You can molest/kill our children and even blow up a few buildings and ALL you will get is a fine stay at one of our prisons and eat up the tax dollars that us New Jerseyeans just LOVE TO PAY!

If you are from NJ and reading this, I URGE you to send a letter to Jon Corzine and tell him what you think! It may not change anything, but I think it will be fun to bombard his self righteous ass with love letters from the people who really cannot stand him!


1 comment:

Caomhin said...

I can't believe they didn't put it to referendum to the voters. Oh wait, yea I can because it would have been upheld. That is really stupid. Liberals just love to tell people how much things aren't their fault and they will receive parole quickly for violent crimes and then are SHOCKED when bad things continue to happen. Utter nonsense.
