Thursday, December 27, 2007

RIP Benazir Bhutto

The people of Pakistan lost their ray of hope.

Mike Huckabee's response to the sad news:
"I believe that we are currently engaged in a world war. Radical Islamic fascists have declared war on our country and our way of life. They have sworn to annihilate each of us who believe in a free society, all in the name of a perversion of religion and an impersonal god. We go to great extremes to save lives, they go to great extremes to take them. This war is not a conventional war, and these terrorists are not a conventional enemy. We must fight the war on terror with the intensity and single-mindedness that it deserves."

While the top political candidates, Republican and Democrat all had said something extremely touching to say...

I just have one question, when did Hillary start to pray?
"Her death is a tragedy for her country and a terrible reminder of the work that remains to bring peace, stability, and hope to regions of the globe too often paralyzed by fear, hatred, and violence."

So Hillary, I thought the world wasn't in trouble? At what point did she change her mind? Where was I? This probably isn't something I should be questioning at a time like this...but for some reason this press release sickened me as much as the news on the assassination did.

Barack Obama:
"I am shocked and saddened by the death of Benazir Bhutto in this terrorist atrocity. She was a respected and resilient advocate for the democratic aspirations of the Pakistani people. We join with them in mourning her loss, and stand with them in their quest for democracy and against the terrorists who threaten the common security of the world."
Isn't what he believes in similar to the people who are trying and I feel close to succeeding in destroying all of Pakistan? Isn't that what he hopes to do here as well, ruin democracy? I thought that he was against President Bush and his fight and ideals in regard to terrorism? Yet, now, he is outing the fact that there is a threat to the security of the world.

The Democrats main objective this election is to ruin OUR democracy. Bring the troops home to make the liberals happy, risk all of our lives and to have us all standing in line to get antibiotics and probably for bread too. Remember the USSR? Yet, by the use of extreme flip flopping, (the new Olympic sport) they are changing their tune in an attempt to sound almost "normal" to the American people. Disturbing. I hope and pray that the American people are smart enough to not fall in line with the tactics of lies and the what sounds good now mentality. That mentality will be exactly what this country does not need and we will have a Pakistan, December 27, 2007 in our own backyards. Yes, that's right, this days events could very well happen here. Anyone with half a brain would know this to be true.

The Democrats now more then ever, are the people who know that this world and our country is in great danger because of terrorism, yet do NOT want to defeat or face it head on. My Mom used to tell me that if I ignored my annoying little brother long enough that he would stop bothering me and move onto something else. I guess that's the Democrats method to fighting terrorism, if we pretend that terrorism and terrorists do not exist, they will forget about us, yet it's not just OUR country in danger. The truth is, it's not going to go away, it will only get much worse and the terrorists hate for America and any country attempting democracy and freedom will just get that much stronger.

1 comment:

Caomhin said...

Great post. The events of today will have ramifications for many years to come and God help us if a liberal gets in the Oval Office. We might as well start studying the Koran if they do, as Sharia will take roots here in the USA.
