Thursday, December 27, 2007

RIP Benazir Bhutto

The people of Pakistan lost their ray of hope.

Mike Huckabee's response to the sad news:
"I believe that we are currently engaged in a world war. Radical Islamic fascists have declared war on our country and our way of life. They have sworn to annihilate each of us who believe in a free society, all in the name of a perversion of religion and an impersonal god. We go to great extremes to save lives, they go to great extremes to take them. This war is not a conventional war, and these terrorists are not a conventional enemy. We must fight the war on terror with the intensity and single-mindedness that it deserves."

While the top political candidates, Republican and Democrat all had said something extremely touching to say...

I just have one question, when did Hillary start to pray?
"Her death is a tragedy for her country and a terrible reminder of the work that remains to bring peace, stability, and hope to regions of the globe too often paralyzed by fear, hatred, and violence."

So Hillary, I thought the world wasn't in trouble? At what point did she change her mind? Where was I? This probably isn't something I should be questioning at a time like this...but for some reason this press release sickened me as much as the news on the assassination did.

Barack Obama:
"I am shocked and saddened by the death of Benazir Bhutto in this terrorist atrocity. She was a respected and resilient advocate for the democratic aspirations of the Pakistani people. We join with them in mourning her loss, and stand with them in their quest for democracy and against the terrorists who threaten the common security of the world."
Isn't what he believes in similar to the people who are trying and I feel close to succeeding in destroying all of Pakistan? Isn't that what he hopes to do here as well, ruin democracy? I thought that he was against President Bush and his fight and ideals in regard to terrorism? Yet, now, he is outing the fact that there is a threat to the security of the world.

The Democrats main objective this election is to ruin OUR democracy. Bring the troops home to make the liberals happy, risk all of our lives and to have us all standing in line to get antibiotics and probably for bread too. Remember the USSR? Yet, by the use of extreme flip flopping, (the new Olympic sport) they are changing their tune in an attempt to sound almost "normal" to the American people. Disturbing. I hope and pray that the American people are smart enough to not fall in line with the tactics of lies and the what sounds good now mentality. That mentality will be exactly what this country does not need and we will have a Pakistan, December 27, 2007 in our own backyards. Yes, that's right, this days events could very well happen here. Anyone with half a brain would know this to be true.

The Democrats now more then ever, are the people who know that this world and our country is in great danger because of terrorism, yet do NOT want to defeat or face it head on. My Mom used to tell me that if I ignored my annoying little brother long enough that he would stop bothering me and move onto something else. I guess that's the Democrats method to fighting terrorism, if we pretend that terrorism and terrorists do not exist, they will forget about us, yet it's not just OUR country in danger. The truth is, it's not going to go away, it will only get much worse and the terrorists hate for America and any country attempting democracy and freedom will just get that much stronger.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

So I am a little late in saying...

I hope that everyone had a wonderful, safe and Merry Christmas!

Apparently people weren't buying though this year...

I wasn't one of those people unfortunately and I am currently kicking myself for the deals I am seeing online. I dare not go near a retail store within the next few days, I can bet that most of my purchases are now half price! Such is life huh? Almost a scam in some cases! :-)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Huck on GMA 12/13/07

It's easy for the media to try and push someone into a corner and make them the "bad guy". Huckabee will never be the "bad guy" in my opinion and the video below should sum that up. The thought of the media turning this presidential election into a war of religions, truly disgusts me. Not that I didn't realize it before but it just goes to show how biased the media is and how they do not want the GOP to win in 2008.

Maybe the pain pills are making it hard for me to think right now, (I was in the ER last night, long story) or maybe it's just that I can't even believe that things have gone this far. Maybe it's just how naive I am to think that just this once, the media would let an underdog be on top. Or maybe I just wish things could stop being taken out of context and we could actually get a TRUE news story and not have to rely on interviews like this below to straighten out the actual truth.

Enough of the maybes...the hope for alleged normalcy and truth seeking in regards to the media, is making me ill.

Keep doing what you are doing Mr. Huckabee, the people who believe in you and the change that you will bring to this country can see through the devils of liberal media. And if anyone wants to call me out on that statement, BRING IT!


Huckabee in Iowa 12/12/07

Say NO to Amnesty and YES to Huckabee!

New Jersey: The Safe Haven

NJ lawmakers vote to ban the death penalty

I just was surfing the web on this cold and gloomy day and came across the above article. I guess most days in NJ are cold and gloomy but this just takes the cake. Hence the title to this post including the words...SAFE HAVEN.

If you are a murderer, rapist or terrorist or just an all out scum bag PLEASE COME TO NEW JERSEY! We welcome you! You can molest/kill our children and even blow up a few buildings and ALL you will get is a fine stay at one of our prisons and eat up the tax dollars that us New Jerseyeans just LOVE TO PAY!

If you are from NJ and reading this, I URGE you to send a letter to Jon Corzine and tell him what you think! It may not change anything, but I think it will be fun to bombard his self righteous ass with love letters from the people who really cannot stand him!


Thursday, November 29, 2007


Mike Huckabee needs your help!

We need 1,000 signatures for him to be on the NJ Primary ballot in February!
You must be a resident of NJ to help!
And be registered a Republican or Independent!

This needs to be completed by December 5, 2007 in order for it to count!
If you can help, please contact me! If you want to start a petition of your own, please contact Sean Rooney.

We are down to the wire here and EVERY signature counts!

Thank you!



Incase you missed Huckabee in the GOP debate on 11/28/07

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Huck and Rudy

A fellow blogger sent me the link to this article.

I found it to be interesting because it's what I have been saying for months. I read some of the comments and some are saying why not President Huck and VP Guiliani? I think however you slice it, a vote for Huckabee is a vote for Guliani because it's eliminating the Romney factor. I just read some other comments and someone else said the same thing. Romney seems like an OK guy, I just don't see him as presidential material and I don't feel that he fits in with Huck or Guliani either. I think Huck and Rudy would be the winning ticket. Huck appeals to the absolute conservative where Rudy is a little more to the middle, which isn't really a bad thing considering the appeal it has for the people who just aren't so sure. I like them both and agree with them both on many issues. Hence them both holding first and second place in Iowa and Florida. I guess what may be irritating people who like the ugly election is that they aren't having a pissing contest. I am sick of the tit for tat bull and I think that Huck and Rudy are doing an excellent job of keeping it clean.

Regardless, Republicans need to be in office in 2008.
Also, don't forget to watch the GOP debate Wednesday night on the Communist News Network (CNN).

A liberal moron at the office today was saying how great things will be WHEN Hitler Hillary wins. Like she just assumes that Hillary is going to win. I started making that gagging sound that you make before you throw up and she automatically shut up, because she knew that she had nothing to back up the moronic comment about that stupid flip flopper winning. All the liberals think that the grass will be greener on their alleged side of the fence but yet, they don't really know why. It's quite scary actually, that people in this country with a brain have to put their lives in these peoples hands. CLUELESS, STUPID PEOPLE.

4 years with donkeys will be exactly that, we will look like some serious jackasses to the rest of the world. And the liberal clowns of the US will be wondering why they are sitting around kissing their sorry asses goodbye. This country will be ruined.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

myspace codes

I am thankful for many family, my wonderful boyfriend and my friends. I am a lucky person, truly blessed. The past few weeks though have been quite a challenge and today is going to be the day that I sit back, watch everyone around me that loves me and reflect. Sometimes life goes by so quickly, crazy things happen and then you forget to tell the people that are most supportive and important to you, thank you. There is one person specifically that will read this today or tomorrow and I just want to say that you are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I know that I can be difficult, it's sometimes all that I know, but I love you and I appreciate all that you do and I never want to be without you.

I don't have a blog roll really, I am new here, but if you read this today, be thankful and tell the people in your life that you are thankful for them and love them. Life is too short not too!

Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless,

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Barack on Hillary

"When it takes two weeks and six different positions to answer one question on immigration, it's easier to understand why the Clinton campaign would rather plant their questions than answer them."
Obama spokesman Bill Burton said.

Ok, so this is an older article, but what gets me is that even a fellow Democrat sees what a rat Hillary is. When I read that sentence, it sent chills down my spine. Imagine America in some sort of crisis and Hillary taking 2 weeks to figure out what to do. Not only would there be mayhem, but would American still be standing? Highly doubtful. Now I am taking it with a grain of salt that this quote is coming from the Obama side...I truly believe that he is the definition of Anti-American, but he at least isn't a flip flopper, he just hates what America stands for. They both are awful, who am I kidding. I will be applying for citizenship elsewhere if either are elected.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I am sick of...


So I went to You Tube to catch the alleged highlights from Thursdays debate, and GUESS WHAT?
There wasn't any! I couldn't find anything on Hillary, only from 3 months ago. You know why? Because people are finally catching on to the fraud that Hillary is. She absolutely disgusts me. I think a woman president would be a great idea but she seems to be the furthest thing from ideal. I have never seen anyone so wayward in all of my life. Maybe she can blame menopause, but if elected can she really blame it on that? I want to live and she will definitely ruin that hope. Her flip flopping is a disgrace. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND. I didn't watch the Dems debate because that would have been a waste of time and time management is important. What I heard is that Hillary was completely out of words and that she planted people in the audience to make her look smart. Apparently Wolf Blitzer is her bitch and that is just pathetic. Who would want someone like her running their country? Why I am sick...I am sick because people in this great country are falling for it. Falling for tax hikes, socialized medicine and complete control from foreign soils. This is America and Hillary is completely against what this country has stood for, for hundreds of years. She will ruin what our fathers stood for and WE will fall hard, that being run by Iran won't be too far off. I am scared of the people that vote that are brainwashed and clueless. Stand up for yourselves, save America and be Proud to be an American, do not fall prey to communism. Hillary stands for communism.